Thursday, December 19, 2019

Sexual Abuse During The United States Essay - 1241 Words

Sexual abuse, specifically from a male, generates many negative consequences, especially to the victims involved. Male violence occurs all over the United States and has been steadily rising (Hooks 117). In Bell Hooks’ article, â€Å"Feminist Move to End Violence†, she discusses the reason why male violence is occurring. She explains, â€Å"While male supremacy encourages the use of abusive force to maintain male domination of women, it is the Western philosophical notion of hierarchical rule and coercive authority that is the root cause of violence against women, of adult violence against children, of all violence between those who dominate and those who are dominated† (Hooks 118). Due to the relevance of male violence today, feminist writers have been addressing this issue and its impact in their novels. Victims of sexual abuse experience significant negative consequences, especially during the fragile time of girlhood, which hinders a girl’s well-being and prosperity. One can see the damaging effects of sexual abuse when reading about Bone in Bastard out of Carolina. In this novel, Bone is one of the children who is experiencing sexual abuse from her stepfather Glen. As a result of this abuse, Bone has experienced imminent sense of shame and poor self-image. During an episode of abuse, Bone stated, â€Å"Sometimes when I looked up into his red features and blazing eyes, I knew that it was nothing I had done that made him beat me. It was just me, the fact of my life, who I wasShow MoreRelatedChild Sexual Abuse Within The United States1417 Words   |  6 PagesChild Sexual Abuse: It’s Prevalence and Severity in The United States Today, Americans fail to realize the prevalence and severity of child sexual abuse within the United States. Though crimes of adult rape are of equal importance, the sexual victimization of children, ages seventeen and under, accounted for nearly 70% of all reported sexual assault cases in 2015. 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